Forum Discussion

Desai_124243's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 02, 2017

Redirect IRULE for FastL4


I need to create IRULE for FastL4 Virtual. I prepared IRULE, but it is not working for fastl4 virtual. I want to cover this IRULE into "CLIENT_ACCEPTED". Please help me on it

                set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
                if {not($uri contains "/ios/esproxy") and ($uri contains "/enrollmentserver/discovery.svc") } {
        HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::uri]"


  • iRule is incompatible with fastL4 vip. When using fastL4, most packets in a flow doesn't processed by TMOS directly. The idea of the FastL4 VS is that you skip any layer 7 processing. So the idea of manipulating HTTP headers on a FastL4 virtual doesn't work.


  • iRule is incompatible with fastL4 vip. When using fastL4, most packets in a flow doesn't processed by TMOS directly. The idea of the FastL4 VS is that you skip any layer 7 processing. So the idea of manipulating HTTP headers on a FastL4 virtual doesn't work.