Forum Discussion

Yanik's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
May 06, 2021

Redirect from WWW iRule

Hello all !

How can I redirect traffic from "" to "", I don't care if it's an iRule or policy.

I tried iRules, policies, and nothing worked, all other redirects I created work fine.


Thanks, Yan

  • Hi Yan,

    1. string map

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { [HTTP::host] starts_with "www." } {
    		HTTP::redirect https://[string map {www. ""} [HTTP::host]][HTTP::uri]

    2. string range

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { [HTTP::host] starts_with "www." } {
    		HTTP::redirect https://[string range [HTTP::host] 4 end][HTTP::uri]

    3. getfield

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { [HTTP::host] starts_with "www." } {
    		HTTP::redirect https://[getfield [HTTP::host] "www." 2][HTTP::uri]

    4. substr

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { [HTTP::host] starts_with "www." } {
    		HTTP::redirect https://[substr [HTTP::host] 4][HTTP::uri]
  • Thanks for the answer, but no one of the iRules doesn't work.

    When I log the iRule I see "SSL Handshake failed for TCP", so may be I have some other issue and not iRule, so I will investigate it.


    • AlexBCT's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

      Hi Yanik,


      That sounds like a different issue indeed. You may want to confirm that you have the iRule attached to the port 80 virtual server, rather than the 443 virtual server. Also, check that the port 80 virtual server doesn't have any SSL profiles on it.

      Or if it is supposed to be redirected from to, then you DO need an SSL profile on the virtual server, so that the iRule can read the unencrypted request.


      Hope this helps.