Forum Discussion

dyobbs_25515's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 23, 2015

Redirect DNS VS Caching to another VS w/o caching

guys, i have this customer problem wherein they have an F5 used as a DNS Transparent cache, this worked well. However they have clients that uses the same F5 DNS VS ( transparent cache) wherein any request/s coming from this group of clients need not to be cached, it goes directly to the DNS resolver.


I have this iRule applied on the DNS VS (transparent cache) , however this works only on the first request and it gets redirected to the NO-CACHE_DNS_VS,but the 2nd and succeeding request still goes to the DNS_VS


when DNS_REQUEST { if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals Special_Clients] } { virtual NO-CACHE_DNS_VS } }


How to make the succeeding DNS requests still persists on the other VS ( NO-CACHE_DNS)?


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