Forum Discussion

Fallout1984's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Sep 26, 2019

Recommended health check? Touchnet, using port 7334

We're have a pool of servers using port 7334 on the back end (front side is 7335) which forwards transactions to Touchnet. Currently, I'm using a gateway-icmp health check for the pool, but would like to use something more specific if possible. I spoke with a tech at Touchnet, but they have no recommendations, white papers, config guides, etc. to help with that. If I use a generic TCP health check I get a bunch of RSTs back from the servers.


Is anyone else doing something similar? If so, what health check(s) would they recommend?



  • Alan, what type of service is running on Port 7334 on the backend?


    If it's http/https, try adding a sample html doc on the server and configure http/https monitor with send and receive strings. If it's not http/https, try SNMP monitor on the F5. Let me know what you got.

