Forum Discussion

John_Stewart_47's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 29, 2008

reading .ucs archive

Is there a way to raed a .ucs archive file to see what a configuration was?



  • A ucs file is a gzip compressed tar archive. You can extract it on the BIG-IP using tar:



    mkdir /var/tmp/ucs_extract


    cd /var/tmp/ucs_extract


    cp /path/to/your.ucs /var/tmp/ucs_extract/


    tar xvfz your.ucs



    Else, you can copy it to a workstation and use a standard zip archive utility like WinRAR or WinZIP to open and view the files.



    Here are a few related solutions:



    SOL4423: Overview of UCS archives (Click here)



    SOL8465: Viewing and extracting the contents of an encrypted UCS archive file (Click here)



  • Don_MacVittie_1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    From your choice of wording, I'm guessing you don't want the current config - which is a text file on the box - but only have access to a historic ucs?


    Hoolio's answer is, as usual, great if that is the case.


    If you just want to see the current startup config, there are easier methods.



  • No, i want to see what was in the config at the time an archive was made, prior to changes being made.



    I copied the file to my desktop. When I opened the .ucs with winzip I find the following file:



    I want to look at the bigip.conf.





  • I was able to view the archive on my PC using WINRAR. Could not get it to work with winzip.



    Thanks for the help.
  • Hi John,



    The file is a tar archive. As you found WinRar handles this easily. WinZIP should be able to also if you manually open it with WinZIP or associate WinZIP with the .im file type.



  • Good day,



    I am a new user to F5...


    Normally, most tasks are doen through GUI.


    Today, I am in a situation, where I have to use Telnet.



    What is the proper way to view the current configuration through CLI?



    Best Regards


  • Try these commands:



    b list


    b base list


    cat /config/bigip.conf


    cat /config/bigip_base.conf