Forum Discussion

riraccuia's avatar
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May 10, 2016

Read or Modify SOCKS payload

Hello Devcentral, even though apparently not much people is playing with the new SOCKS features, here I am with another question on this subject.


Can i modify (or read) the SOCKS payload of my clients' requests ?


When i dump the full TCP::payload in the CLIENT_DATA event, all i can see is the client's greeting that is part of the SOCKS handshake: 050100


I understand there is a socks-tunnel interface and that the traffic (after the handshake has completed) is likely to be processed at this level but is there a way to read or modify the socks payload from an iRule ?


  • hello, it should be possible, i worked on an irule to add basic auth to the socks proxy but i had to put my irule on a layered vs before the SOCKS vs.