Forum Discussion

Horacio_36739's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 05, 2013

Unable to set node names on LTM with 11.3.0

I'm unable to set node names on a ltm with 11.3.0 using the icontrol snapin for powershell. The same commands works for ltm's with 10.2. Did something change?   Here is the command i'm using (Get-...
  • mhite_60883's avatar
    Nov 05, 2013

    NodeAddress is deprecated:



    IMPORTANT This entire interface has been deprecated (as of 11.0.0), due to the change from using IP addresses to using names to identify node addresses. Please use the NodeAddressV2 interface. The NodeAddress interface enables you to work with the states, statistics, limits, availability, ratios, application response deltas, and monitors of a local load balancer's node address.


    Use the NodeAddressV2 interface instead:



    With the new interface, the name is set at node creation time and can not be updated after.