Why the complexity in grep? ps -ef | grep qkview
Are you running qkview from CLI or GUI? i suspect you are running in the GUI.
Does qkview just hang, or does it complete, or does it return to a prompt/leave you in the gui?
In the cli, from bash:
Check disk space free (in human format): df -h Only USR should be in the 90's event thing else should be below 50, post lines from output if your are over.
Run qkview manually: qkview --progress-bar or qkview -v
if it works via the CLI - but not thru the gui, and its fairly safe to do this as just a longshot test...
bigstart restart httpd tomcat restjavad restnoded
bigstart status httpd tomcat restjavad restnoded <---it might take sometime for HTTPD to restart