Forum Discussion

Justin_Adrian_3's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 18, 2009

pyControl and py2exe

I am currently developing a quick and dirty check for our code promotion folks in where they just enter a VIP and it displays back the status of the pools.



I am currently developing this using wxPython and it works great on linux and windows guests.


This is assuming you have the development packages installed.



I know python has the deploying functionality to compile or merge all python libraries and support dll's for windows for a quick an dirty deployment.



I am having issues however making this work as the pyControl is an egg, and those eggs sure act rotten at times. I am making an effort to not require having the full python, + pyControl, + wxPython install on the machines I wish the app to run.



Anybody have any success??



I attached a quick peek at what it looks like..



  • You could paginate it, with a search field like it is done on the actual LTM.



    I will have to attempt to dissect your code, it looked awesome until you said, "right click disable" hehe.. my versionw as intended for non trained code promo people. I do not want them to influence the code in any shape or form.



    This is a very nice looking app.



  • Disabling the right click enable/disable is just one line of code so if you like the app I can make that happen. As for the pagenation, that doesn't work well with a tree view so I'll have to redo that one. Maybe I'll just whip up another app and toy around with large configurations. I'll let you know what I come up with.



  • If you would like a larger configuration to test against.. send me an email.



    I just can not share it publicly.



    b virtual | grep "VIRTUAL ADDRESS" | wc -l 1035



    cat bigip.conf | wc -l






  • Hi all,


    I need to install the VSStatus and I just downloaded the source file (



    How can install it?




  • Hi all,


    I need to install the VSStatus and I just downloaded the source file (



    How can install it? Could you help me, please?



