Forum Discussion

Nathan_Mische_6's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 18, 2012

Publishing f5-icontrol on

Is there any way the f5-icontrol gem could be posted to


I'm starting to build a few tools on top of the library and it would be nice for my gem dependencies to be able to be resolved without users having to come here to download and manually install the f5-icontrol gem.








  • +1



    It's really crazy having this stuff hidden and obfuscated, nobody will use it.



    A workaround is to download the icontrol ruby gem (if you can find it, I've been going for 10 minutes now and still haven't found a working link to download any version of it) and add it to a local, in-house gem repository that you can include in your Gemfile.