Forum Discussion

Andrew_G_178259's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 31, 2017

Public Interface w/DHCP

I'd like to get setup an interface to use DHCP to get its assigned address; then use that address for a number of pre-defined virtual servers under LTM.


Is this something possible? Using an iRule for assigning the IP?


Thanks in advance.


Regards, Andrew


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Virtual Servers don't use DHCP. Their addresses are statically configured.


    So out of the box. No... But... If you really wanted to, you might be able to work something up that allocates an address externally and then uses iControl to create your VS's.


    Or... And this would be fun, but not sure how practical, create a wildcard VS that manages EVERYTHING (And I mean everything) in an iRule. So the iRUle does the DHCP request, and then rather than creating VS's, simply manages the traffic dynamically itself..


    The Second one is probably completely impractical...

