Forum Discussion

Cesar_01_134968's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 12, 2017

Problem ProxySSL with two pools.



I have a VS with ProxySSL enabled (profile SSL client and server), and two pools with HTTPS (A_pool and B_pool). I configure the A_pool as default pool in VS and works correctly. But when I change to B_pool, through a iRule, show a error. How can I change the default pool through a iRule?


Very thanks.


  • Hi JT,


    Attach my iRule,


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::path] contains "/B/" } { pool B_pool } else { pool A_pool } }




  • It seems that your code is correct.


    I tried this code and it works for me


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
     if {[HTTP::path] contains "jta"} {
       log local0. "my_pool_a is selected for path [HTTP::path]"
       pool my_pool_a
     } else {
       log local0. "my_pool_b is selected for path [HTTP::path]"
       pool my_pool_b

    Have you applied the irule to your VS ?


    Remark: you can remove the "default pool" configuration from the "ressources" and just apply your irule and try again.


    You can also check your log in /var/log/ltm

