Forum Discussion

PaulONL's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 02, 2020

Problem between F5 CGNAT and Graylog Server

Dear F5 Community,


I have F5 model Model: BIG-IP i7600 with version: Version: Build 0.0.6 running as CGNAT.

And I installed Graylog server version: 3.0 free edition to receive the LSN CGNAT logs.

I followed document below to send the CGNAT logs from F5 CGNAT to the Graylog server as HSL, but Graylog can not receive the CGNAT logs from F5.


Everyone used to have such experience? and how to solve the issue?


Please kindly advise.

Thank you.


  • NAG's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus



    I didnt come across such a problem.


    However, best way to troubleshoot to find the root cause is to take packet captures::


    Here is the command you could use to get packet captures F5:


    tcpdump -vvni 0.0:nnnp -s0 host <IP_Address_of_Graylog> and port <PORT_of_Graylog> -w /var/log/file_name.pcap


    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Nag,


    Thank for your information.

    Yes, i used to use the command: tcpdump 

    I can see message sending to Graylog server, but at the server Graylog does not receive the logs.

    May you please have any more advice?


    Thank with regards,
