Forum Discussion

mfsaez_127780's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 01, 2003

Problem accesing get_cpu_metrics() function

I'm trying to access get_cpu_metrics() function, but when I send the message to the Big-IP, it throws an exception:

SOAP-ENV:Server : ITCMCommon::OperationFailed Exception caught on ITCMSystem::SystemInfo::get_cpu_metrics(). 
 primary_error_code  : 385 
 secondary_error_code: 0 
 error_string        : This system does not support reading platform hardware information. 

I'm using BIG-IP Kernel 4.5PTF-06 Build25. What's happening?


  • Loc_Pham_101863's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Specifically, the hardware metrics are available for the following platforms: D35, D39, D40, D44, D45, D50, D51, D54.



    Also, the following platforms once supported hardware metrics, but currently this support has been disabled: F35, D25 and D30.



  • Miguel, the cpu, fan, and power supply metrics are only available on the switch-based platforms. More than likely you are managing a Server Appliance BIG-IP. The different BIG-IP models can be found on our website The Application Switch models support these methods.


