Forum Discussion

peter_siman's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 30, 2011

Pool selection based on URI string




I have writtend a simple iRule to select particular pool based on what the URI string is. See below the iRule. Unfortunatelly, when applied a following messsages show up in logs.



May 27 13:04:05 local/tmm3 info tmm3[7327]: Rule erimo_pool : Erimo request received


May 27 13:04:05 local/tmm3 info tmm3[7327]: Rule erimo_pool : Erimo request for Aprimo service received. Selecting end server


May 27 13:04:05 local/tmm3 err tmm3[7327]: 01220001:3: TCL error: erimo_pool - Error: No serverside connection established (line 1) invoked from within "IP::server_addr"








log local0. "Erimo request received"


if { [HTTP::path] equals "/AprimoMarketing/login.aspx" } {


log local0. "Erimo request for Aprimo service received. Selecting end server"


pool Node_Web_ESESSMW1432


log local0. "Aprimo end server selected: [IP::server_addr]"




else {


pool wam_erimo_pool


log local0. "Aprimo end server selected: [IP::server_addr]"


log local0. "Condition not matched. No Aprimo server selected. Server IP address is: [IP::server_addr]"








log local0. "Connection from[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to Aprimo server:[IP::server_addr]:[TCP::server_port] established."





Does anyone have any idea what / where the issue might be?





  • That didn't seem to change anything, when I went to it was taken to my W2K3 server. I've even tried changing the pool from to another pool, or even one that doesn't exist, but everytime I'm NOT redirected to the pool listed, the only thing that seems to work is the redirect to a URL. Not sure if there is a bug or something fishy going on with my LTM.



    I was doing a bit more research and was wondering if I could use the HTTP Class option, any thoughts on that?





  • Hi Bob,


    I don't I am understanding what you mean by "NOT redirecting to the pool listed" Let's explain what the code I posted does. Then let me know where the logic doesn't work to what you want it to do.


    The code I posted basically states that if a request comes in with or it will forward the request to pool If the request is or or it will go to pool If a request comes to the vip as it will not match the switch and IF statements and thus rely on the default pool that you have set in the virtual address.



    I hope somewhere in my explaination clarifies what the code is doing vs what you want it do.



  • Thanks for the explaination.. When I say Not redireting to the pool listed, I mean it is not using the Pool that that is listed, in this case, when the path is matched. Sorry, redirected was probably not the best term. I should have said not being forwarded to the pool



    What I'm looking for this rule to do is if I go to then it uses the pool, if the path is not /mcbob then use the pool. The McBob website exist on both my W2K3 and my W2K8 servers. The W2K3 server uses Pool and the pool consist of my W2K8 server. We are starting to move some of our apps from our old W2K3 servers over to our new W2K8 servers but not all of them exist there yet, so as I migrate them, one at a time, I simply want a rule that when the path matches go to the W2K8 server, which is the pool. All of our secure apps are setup for a URL like:



    The Domain/URL was created only to be used internally for testing apps from outside our network, end users/customers will not use that URL.



    Maybe there is a better way to go about this and I'm over looking it, but this rule seems like my best solution as I migrate apps from one server to another.





  • Thanks everyone for the help with this rule, I found that I had an http class assoicated to the VIP that was overwritting the irule. Once I removed the http class it worked as expected, I guess sometimes it just those things you over look.

    I did have one more follow up question though. My rule works when the path is matched but it appears that I may have to add another paths as well. How would I modify the rule so that it checks more than one path? I've copied the rule below so you can see what I have currently.

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
       log local0. "McBob request received [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with /mcbob"
       if { [string tolower [HTTP::path]] starts_with "/mcbob" } {
        log local0. "McBob request for service received. Selecting end server"
       else {
        log local0. "Condition not matched. No WIN2K8 server selected."  
        log local0. "Connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to WIN2K8 server: [IP::server_addr]:[TCP::server_port] established."

    Thanks again for everyone's input.

  • Hi Bob,


    There are 2 ways to go about this. You can use the switch statement if there is small list of paths you want to check for or you can can use class objects




    Here is the switch command



    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
       switch -glob [string tolower[HTTP::path] ] {
          "/mcbob*" - 
          "/path2*" - 
          "/path3*"  {
           default {



    Or you can use datagroups which works well when you have lots of different paths you want to take into account






    class mypaths {














    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
       if {[class match -value [string tolower [HTTP::path]] starts_with "mypaths" ] } {
       } else {



    Note: This is untested code



    I hope this helps




  • Thanks for all the help, the switch command should work, hopefully this is only going to be for a few Apps..



  • Hi All, I have a similar item I'm working with the exception I'm not doing any logging. In short we are going from SharePoint 2007 to 2010. To ease the pain of migrating sites I suggested we use the F5 LTMs to redirect based on the URI. I attempted this with a http class until I discovered that SharePoint checks the host name in the HTTP header. I've been told we might have as many as 30 URIs/Paths to redirect to the old 2007 instance and will need to remove them from the list so to speak as they migrate to 2010. I've done my very best to try to piece together a script that will do the trick and unfortunately I'm falling short 😞






    etc. needs to go to sharepoint2007pool and change host from to Everything else needs to go to sharepoint2010pool with no host change.

    Here is my attempt to accomplish:

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
       switch -glob [HTTP::path]
       if { [HTTP::path]] "/sites/dts*" } {
     Rewrite host header value and select pool 
     HTTP::header replace Host
        pool sharepoing2007pool
       else {
        pool sharepoint2010pool

    For ease of adding and removing multiple sites, I'm very interested in how I might use the datagroups. That would make it much easier for me to add and remove sites as needed.