Forum Discussion

Anju's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 13, 2019

Pool member status

Hi All,


Few weeks back I was working on collecting some notes for F5101 Beta where I came across an article / page where it was nicely explained the pool member status , its color and shape. Tried to search it multiple times, since I forgot to bookmark it. Any relevant article you can think of, please paste the link. Thanks in advance.

  • pages from a book... it has to be the study guide 201

    ("Objective - 1.03 - Identify the reason for an unresponsive pool member")

  • Check this ->




  • Anju's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Thanks Dario, I had this bookmarked. The one I am talking about seems to be like some page from a book. I had a glance of it and thought I saved but dint find it. Will keep looking. Thanks again.

    • pages from a book... it has to be the study guide 201

      ("Objective - 1.03 - Identify the reason for an unresponsive pool member")

      • Anju's avatar
        Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

        There you go... Thank you so much! Appreciate it.