Forum Discussion

Duncan_Proffitt's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Sep 20, 2018

Planned upgrade to v14

When we upgraded from v12.1 to v13.1 we had some issues with some legacy software (that we cant upgrade or replace) that used I.E.8 with Windows XP.


The issues stemmed from the "pulling up the drawbridge" on 3DES cipers on the SSL stuff.


We successfully added the 168bit ciphers back in, but not after some heart stopping moments and some gnashing of teeth.


I have had a look at the release notes (that I could find) and there doesnt seem to be any indication of any changes to the SSL suites.


Could anyone envisage any issues with upgrading to v14.1 (when it is out) with reference to SSL suites?


I could be doing "boy" looking, but if anyone could point me in the direction of what is changing in 14.1, that would be very much appreciated