Forum Discussion

Austin_Geraci's avatar
Mar 26, 2010

Persisting sessions across different LTMs

I've found a lot of info on maintaining sessions with iRules and there have been some really good discussions addressing sharing persistence across different pools, members/nodes etc..



I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who is maintaining persistence across different LTMs?



  • The only method I can imagine working would be cookie-based where the client tells the LTM which server to select. This assumes of course that both LTM's have identical pool names and members.



  • So nothing dynamic then? You're thinking predefining the cookie at the ltm? Maybe tieing it to the source?
  • Can you explain the scenario in more detail? Is this for redundancy between active/standby or active/active datacentres? Or something else?





  • Sorry about that Hoolio, been out of town..



    Anyways, this is a two (or more for theory) Active Active Data Center Scnenario.
  • You could manually insert cookies to persist off of. If each datacenter had identically named pools and the same IP addressing, you could use the default cookie insert persistence profile. Or if you could logically map the original datacenter's pool member to a local pool member, you could use an iRule to select that corresponding server. Ian Smith posted something similar here:





  • Yep yep I remember that post. I need to gather more requirments from the app before I can work something up.. If the mapping is going to be static and always to the same server(s) based on the inserted cookie, looks like it shouldn't be hard to do..



    keep ya posted, thanks