Forum Discussion

marccabre_20581's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 12, 2015

Persistence Source Address Indefinite

Dear People,


I have one customer that have a lot of users connecting to on server from one Java Application that use port 80 to communicate with the server.


This application requires Persistence but some users have the application open 1,2,3... or more days. And the service needs persistence during all this period.


I saw that with creating a new source address persistence profile i can change the timeout period to indefinite. What it means?


In the manual says: Indefinite: Specifies that the persistence entry does not time out.


If i use it can this cause memory problems or something like it?




  • Indefinite does just that never times out. Not something I would use as over time the session table could build up and cause issues for new connections or cause tcp resource issues on your LTM. If this is an HTTP app with browsers as clients why don't you switch the persistence type to cookie using a session cookie. That will be good as long as the clients browser session is open. Just create a new persistence profile called cookie-insert and apply that to the Virtual server.


    • marccabre_20581's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Yes, finally i'm using Session Cookie and it seems to work fine. The problem is that we don't have any support from app teams...then...we need to do test, rollback, test... Thank you very much for the explanation. And yes, it's better to use the cookie way.