Forum Discussion

HereComesTheMeo's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 06, 2014

Passive FTP

I'm having issues with our current BIG-IP deployment.


In our deployment the BIG-IP is used primarily for ASM functionality and sits in front of our firewalls, no load balancing is done (single member in the pool).


For Active FTP, I'm able to use the FTP Profile and it works just fine. For Passive FTP, as you can imagine, the FTP profile doesn't work.


I've done some research but everything I've found so far shows me that an iRule could be used however it requires the use of health monitors and port translations. This is something that is realistically not possible.


In addition, some of the customers that utilize FTP use AUTH-TLS which could cause a problem.


Does anyone have any suggestions on a solution?


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    A while back I recall I deployed a passive ftp server behind a BIG-IP. If I recall I did use the FTP profile and we then had two options, firstly to configure a masquerade address on the ftp server so it responded to the client with the virtual server IP as the destination, rather than its true IP address. In fact we weren't able to do this so I used a stream profile on the VS to rewrite the IP addresses.


    Everything worked fine then.


    Hope this is some help,

