Forum Discussion

BMAN1_160384's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 06, 2014

Passing user parameter to the resouce in the url

Hi All, After the user successful login in the APM, i want to use the user parameter from the login page and pass it on to the resource in the end of the url for the authentication.


Example: the user is = AAAA the end resource is: i need to find a way to pass it to the resource:


is it possible?


  • Hi mate,


    If you are in a LTM/APM mode, yes. You can run an iRule to add to parameter on server side. The logon name is known as session.logon.last.username variable.


  • Thanks Matthieu, i don't use LTM but if i could do it there i can add an irule to the APM as well no? do you have any example for this kind of irule?