Forum Discussion

Bernd_Schwuchow's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 29, 2019

Partitions and Route Domains

Sorry, but it is still confusing to me:


I want: a) strictly separate two customers b) give them same IP for virt Servers for various services


What I do: opt a) use two different route domains and work with %ID separation, both route domains can be part of partition common.


opt b) use two different partions "customer a" and "customer b" and so I do not need to work with %ID separation (no route Domains needed).


Or do I have to use a mix of both?


3 Replies

  • Karim's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus



    Partition and route domains are two different things;


    Partitions allow you to assign different right to different administrators regarding specific configuration. For example you have two application deployed on the BIGIP: app1 et app2. You want only app1_admin to be able to access/modify/delete object related to app1. And you want only app2_admin to be able to access/modify/delete object related to app2. solution : you create two partitions, part_app1 and part_app2. and then you assign the following role to app1_admin and app2_admin:


    app1_admin administrator on partition part_app1 and guest on partition on partition part_app2


    app2_admi administrator on partition part_app2 and guest on partition on partition part_app1


    Route domains on the other hand, allow you to give the same IPs to different virtual server that resides in two different route domain. if you are familiar with cisco, they are known as Virtual Route Forwarding (VRF)


    Depending on your need you can use partition and/or route domain,


    Many thanks


  • Create two route domains in Common.


    Create two partitions in Common and assign route domain 1 to one partition and route domain 2 to the other partition.



    This will give you route/ip separation and per customer configuration separation.


    Also make sure to create your vlan's in common, you can create your self-ip's in the partitions.






  • Hi Karim, ok....thank you. So different partitions are only needed when I additionally want separated administrative access.