Forum Discussion

hc_andy_35682's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 22, 2010

OneConnect and Proxy/Squid Load Balancing

Hi All,



We provide proxy services (http/https) to a large number of schools (each with their own static IP). Each school can have 1000's of connections to the virtual server at any time.



What we have is a a large squid (proxy) cluster and in front of that is the F5 doing least conns with source address persistence. Each pool member also has a 4000 max conns limit. What we're finding is that several of our squid servers are reaching their max conn limit.



1/ When the max conn limit is reached, will the client (school) request be served by another available pool member taking into consideration that we have source address pesistence enabled so the client (school) is expecting to hit the same pool member all the time? If the client (school) is served by another pool member, wouldn't this then break the source address persistence?



2/ Would something like a OneConnect profile help us reduce the number of connections from the LTM to the squid cluster. I've read up on it but not 100% sure how it applies in a squid/proxy environment.



Is this like having one big pipe (tcp connection) from the LTM to the squid box say for school 1's incoming connections, so that all new connections from school 1 uses that big pipe. What about the return traffic from the squid box back to the school? Is it still returning traffic via this big pipe or does it need to create a new tcp connection for the return traffic?






  • Note to self: When using "SSL Proxy" in your webbrowser it means that the request is sent in cleartext to the forward https-proxy.



    It turned out that oneconnect (using /32 mask) seems to be working just fine but http profile can only be attached to the vserver for the forward http-proxy and not the forward https-proxy.



    Perhaps any of you in here who previously have stumbled upon this behaviour and know a workaround other than setting http profile to none?



    Because when set to none I will also miss AVR (statistics) and ability to use ASM :-(
  • without private key, i do not think we can use either asm or avr with https proxy since you know we are not able to see clear text traffic.
  • I can use a private key because I do ssl-termination further out in the chain, but will that work since the http profile doesnt seem to allow CONNECT as method?



    When I tested with the http profile enabled for VS_FORWARD-HTTPS the F5 will just send the client a FIN-ACK as soon as it receives the CONNECT request (the F5 doesnt even forward the traffic to the forward-proxy).



    Can I somehow alter the http profile to allow CONNECT?
  • i am trying to setup in lab but i am a bit confused about your setting. would you mind posting the VS_FORWARD-HTTPS virtual and its pool configuration here?



    and how did you test? what proxy setting did you set in browser?
  • Sure, I hope the attached code is enough to reproduce this?



    The setup is:



    Physical address of the forward http(s)-proxy is which listens to 3128 for http and 3129 for https (in this test-setup I just use one box, in true scenario there will more than one).



    This is verified to work when you in your browser (firefox) sets the following settings:



    Manual proxy configuration:


    HTTP Proxy:


    SSL Proxy:



    Virtual address of the forward http(s)-proxy is which also listens to 3128 for http and 3129 for https.



    Which means that you need these settings in your browser to let F5 do its magic (both as loadbalancer but also as protocol inspector):



    Manual proxy configuration:


    HTTP Proxy:


    SSL Proxy:



    The VS_PROXY_HTTP uses http profile, http class, analytics, oneconnect and a small tcp-lan-optimized tweak and works like a charm.



    The VS_PROXY_HTTPS doesnt so I (in the uploaded code) have disabled http profile which also means that I am forced to disable the http class AND analytics 😞 in order to make it work. If you enable the http profile you will notice that the F5 will just send FIN-ACK in return as soon as the client sends its "CONNECT".



    As a sidenote I have also tried to disable oneconnect (even if its enabled in the uploaded code).



    The configuration is pretty straight forward (sure I have tweaked the monitors but thats just to make it less aggressive because each ping etc generates log-entries in the forward-proxy).



    The logical flow for the packets is more or less:



    client -> F5 -> forward-http(s)-proxy -> application firewall -> external net



    The application firewall is set to do SSL-termination so I could load the private key used for this in the F5 and use as server-ssl if needed, but then again - I believe the problem is in how the http profile functions (my best guess so far is that the http profile doesnt allow "CONNECT" as method) simply because the VS_PROXY_HTTPS works when I disable the http profile.



    There is also a new setting (I think when you setup client/server-ssl) named "proxy ssl" which I wonder if it would help in my case?



    Oh and the firmware used is v11.1.



    ltm default-node-monitor {
        rule /Common/ICMP_PROXY 
    ltm node /Common/PROXY1 {
    ltm pool /Common/POOL_PROXY_HTTP {
        load-balancing-mode fastest-node
        members {
            /Common/PROXY1:3128 {
        monitor /Common/inband and /Common/TCP_PROXY 
        service-down-action reset
    ltm pool /Common/POOL_PROXY_HTTPS {
        load-balancing-mode fastest-node
        members {
            /Common/PROXY1:3129 {
        monitor /Common/inband and /Common/TCP_PROXY 
        service-down-action reset
    ltm virtual /Common/VS_PROXY_HTTP {
        destination /Common/
        http-class {
        ip-protocol tcp
        persist {
            /Common/SOURCE_ADDR_PROXY {
                default yes
        pool /Common/POOL_PROXY_HTTP
        profiles {
            /Common/ANALYTICS_PROXY { }
            /Common/HTTP_PROXY { }
            /Common/ONECONNECT_PROXY { }
            /Common/TCP-LAN-OPTIMIZED_PROXY { }
    ltm virtual /Common/VS_PROXY_HTTPS {
        destination /Common/
        ip-protocol tcp
        persist {
            /Common/SOURCE_ADDR_PROXY {
                default yes
        pool /Common/POOL_PROXY_HTTPS
        profiles {
            /Common/ONECONNECT_PROXY { }
            /Common/TCP-LAN-OPTIMIZED_PROXY { }
    ltm virtual-address /Common/ {
        traffic-group /Common/traffic-group-1
    ltm monitor icmp /Common/ICMP_PROXY {
        defaults-from /Common/icmp
        destination *
        interval 15
        time-until-up 0
        timeout 46
    ltm monitor tcp /Common/TCP_PROXY {
        defaults-from /Common/tcp
        destination *:*
        interval 15
        time-until-up 0
        timeout 46
    ltm persistence source-addr /Common/SOURCE_ADDR_PROXY {
        app-service none
        defaults-from /Common/source_addr
        timeout 3600
    ltm profile analytics /Common/ANALYTICS_PROXY {
        captured-traffic-external-logging disabled
        captured-traffic-internal-logging enabled
        collect-geo enabled
        collect-http-throughput enabled
        collect-ip enabled
        collect-methods enabled
        collect-page-load-time enabled
        collect-response-codes enabled
        collect-server-latency enabled
        collect-url enabled
        collect-user-agent enabled
        collect-user-sessions enabled
        collected-stats-external-logging disabled
        collected-stats-internal-logging enabled
        defaults-from /Common/analytics
        description none
        notification-by-email disabled
        notification-by-snmp disabled
        notification-by-syslog disabled
        remote-server-ip any6
        remote-server-port 514
        remote-server-syslog-facility local0
        session-timeout 300
        session-timeout-minutes 5
        traffic-capture {
            capturing-for-ANALYTICS_PROXY {
                captured-protocols all
        trust-xff enabled
    ltm profile http /Common/HTTP_PROXY {
        app-service none
        defaults-from /Common/http
        security enabled
    ltm profile httpclass /Common/HTTPCLASS_PROXY {
        app-service none
        asm enabled
        defaults-from /Common/httpclass
    ltm profile one-connect /Common/ONECONNECT_PROXY {
        app-service none
        defaults-from /Common/oneconnect
        max-age 3600
    ltm profile tcp /Common/TCP-LAN-OPTIMIZED_PROXY {
        app-service none
        defaults-from /Common/tcp-lan-optimized
        proxy-buffer-high 280000
        proxy-buffer-low 277000
  • what proxy are you using? is it squid? may i also have squid configuration?


  • i am not much familiar with squid. wondering if there is any special when configuring https proxy i.e. port 3129. is it just another instance like port 3128?

    [root@ve1023:Active] config  b virtual bar1 list
    virtual bar1 {
       snat automap
       pool foo1
       ip protocol 6
       profiles {
          http {}
          tcp {}
    [root@ve1023:Active] config  b pool foo1 list
    pool foo1 {
       members {}
    [root@ve1023:Active] config  b virtual bar2 list
    virtual bar2 {
       snat automap
       pool foo2
       ip protocol 6
       profiles {
          http {}
          tcp {}
    [root@ve1023:Active] config  b pool foo2 list
    pool foo2 {
       members {}
     curl -Ik -x
    HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 04:40:45 GMT
    Expires: -1
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
    Set-Cookie: PREF=ID=7d5331ea4cb18cc1:FF=0:TM=1326602445:LM=1326602445:S=XqerRof5YDSF_HmF; expires=Tue, 14-Jan-2014 04:40:45 GMT; path=/;
    Set-Cookie: NID=55=RAt7S2S7r0ObTTPxyMjBDgD32anR8fjyt-4_syPbnTIVIZNXsDp05oB0IvLlm-7Crd7Djrmw5ZJdWyKV5ADooEWHwEj6yzJGDADudQfx8i5mU6PvRa7JVEzdSFjzR2Cs; expires=Mon, 16-Jul-2012 04:40:45 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly
    P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."
    Server: gws
    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    [root@ve1023:Active] config  ssldump -Aed -nni 0.0 port 3129
    New TCP connection 1: <->
    1326602789.8656 (0.0030)  C>S
    User-Agent: curl/7.15.5 (i686-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5
    Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
    New TCP connection 2: <->
    1326602789.8667 (0.0010)  C>S
    User-Agent: curl/7.15.5 (i686-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5
    Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
  • No its not squid and which portnumber one use doesnt really matter. You can use 1234 in your tests if you like.



    And in this case the F5 doesnt even forward the traffic to the proxyservers when I enable http profile for the VS_PROXY_HTTPS so the "error" is in the F5 and not somewhere else (verified by tcpdump on the F5 unit for the interface connected to the proxyserver).



    But as soon as I disable the http profile (and also disables http class and analytics since they depend on the http profile) then I can use VS_PROXY_HTTPS.



    But I can try to redo the tests on monday/tuesday and get back with the failing config (unless someone else got some tips to test at the same time?).
  • Hi nitass,



    We are configuring F5 to load balance squid web cache proxy:



    This is the flow:


    Client >> F5(rewrite) >>F5 forward to cache proxy servers>>Cache proxy servers >> F5(transparent) >> Client



    Inbound and outbound traffic falls on the same VLAN. Using same interface


    INBOUND: From internet to firewall to F5


    OUTBOUND: F5 to Cache servers


    VS is configured for the 2 cache servers


    Used iRule to rewrite URL





    To be able to rewrite the URL and then gets passed to the cache servers after the rewrite.


    Maintain the session


    So traffic gets cached.




    Client initiates HTTP request with URL:


    With iRule, gets truncated, then returns back to the client browser.


    This is working, and F5 rewrites it


    However, upon rewriting F5 must forward it to the cache servers.






    traffic is not getting a hit on the cache servers.


    From the iRule, it seems that once URL is rewritten traffic gets redirected and doesn’t go to cache.



    virtual LB-Voyager {


    snat automap


    pool LB_Voyager-MIB_3128




    ip protocol tcp


    rules LB_Voyager6


    persist beta_mysandbox_cookie_insert


    profiles {


    http_beta_mysandbox {}


    tcp {}








    pool LB_Voyager-MIB_3128 {


    monitor all gateway_icmp and tcp_3128


    members {








    rule LB_Voyager6 {


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    set host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]


    set newhost [string map {"" ""} $host]


    if {$host ne $newhost} {


    HTTP::redirect "http://$newhost[HTTP::uri]"







    but we are not hitting the servers.



    • Spidey_29396's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Mahmoud ElSoury, Unfortunate client didn't push thru with the project. Thanks! Ferdz