Forum Discussion

ReynaldoQ_14206's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 23, 2016

On Health Monitor

Hello, trying to understand how this health monitor I created behaves.


I created a http virtual server on port 8082 and a pool with just one server member.


The pool has a health monitor of http type with the send string GET /service_status.html\r\n\r\n


a receive string .GOOD and receive disable string of .MAINTENANCE


Right now the html page is showing Service Status is MAINTENANCE


The pool is still showing to be UP. What does really happened to the server? Is it supposed to be disabled? Thanks.


  • If "receive disable string" is MAINTENANCE and if the /service_status.html page is serving MAINTENANCE, then the pool member should not be UP.

    See this SOL13397 for the right formatting.

    An example:

    GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close

    If you are still running into issues after fixing any formatting issues, I would recommend running curl from the F5's bash shell. Example:

    curl -H "Host:"

    I am assuming that the IP of the pool member is and that it is listening on port 80. This will help you to identify the response that the F5 is seeing.

    If the pool member is listening on a different port, you would have to configure the HTTP monitor to check the pool member on the right port.

  • Thanks Odaah,


    This is what I get at the moment without changing the monitor set up: [rfenol@slpma1nagioswan ~]$ curl -H "Host:" Service Status is MAINTENANCE


    Looking at the pool is still showing green circle and the memebr availability is showing Availability: Available (Disabled) - Pool member is avaiable, monitor disable


    So what does Available (Disabled) means?


  • SOL12213214


    Black Circle - A user has actively disabled an available object.


    I think the circle is there because the server is responding to the monitor request and the black color is for disabled status because the response matches the configured disable string.