Forum Discussion

Kristoffer's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 25, 2019


I have a request to create an APM policy.

The server (SAP) does only support SAML, but management wants OIDC against Azure to get full conditional access.

Is there any way to set up Azure OIDC on F5 APM and translate that to SAML to send to the server?


Client -> F5 APM -> AzureAD (OIDC) -> F5 APM -> Server (SAML)

7 Replies

  • in principle i would say yes. as shown here APM can auth to AzureAD with openid



    for SAML you just configure you BIG-IP as IdP and use the above part as the IdP auth.

  • Sounds good, but how does the token translate from oAuth 2.0 to SAML, is there some magic F5 does for that?

  • you dont exactly translate something. you authenticate against Azure AD and if that is successfully your SAML assertion is provided.

  • Thank you for the response, I now understand I need to set up the oAuth server in the visual policy editor, but to create the IdP config, do I still need to set up SAML on Azure and force the user through both SAML and oAuth through Azure?

    Or do I just need the local SP and not any binding or connectors to that? And then use the visual policy editor to force through oAuth, what will then be sent to the application, will it understand it as normal SAML when I set up the XML file there?

  • SAP is your SP, BIG-IP is your IdP


    Azure oAuth is used to do the auth part of the IdP, when that is successfully SAP will be logged in.