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swo0sh_gt_13163's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Apr 22, 2015

NTP time difference between Active / Standby appliance

Hello Folks,

It has been quite sometime when I post a question on DevCentral. So here we go, I have 2 F5 A/S appliances. Both are pointing to 2 NTP servers as and NTP traffic is passing through other than Management Interface so far.

What has been observed is, Active appliance is showing correct time as per the NTP server, however the standby appliance is showing 3 minutes of difference compare to the Active appliance. Even you sync the time manually, it slowly experience delay, and time difference start getting increased between both of the appliances.

Following is the result of the NTPQ -PN from Active and standby.

[root@Company_F5-3900U1:Active:In Sync] config  ntpq -np
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================       2 u   19   64  377    2.077  -43725.  11.051      .LOCL.           1 u   59   64

[root@Company_F5-3900U2:Standby:In Sync] config  ntpq -pn
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================       2 u   18   64  377    1.947  -222609  33.485      .LOCL.           1 u   21   64  377    1.953  -222588  28.426

If you see the Offset value on Standby appliance, that justifies the fact why there is a time difference between Active and Standby unit. The NTP servers are reachable via a DMZ interface i.e. 1.1. Both of the appliances have same configured of interfaces along with the media settings.

Following is the interface property of both of the appliances, which is exactly same.

   root@(Company_F5-3900U2)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Standby)(/Common)(tmos) list net interface 1.1
net interface 1.1 {
    if-index 80
    mac-address 00:01:d7:e6:6d:44
    media-active 1000T-FD
    media-max 1000T-FD
    mtu 1800

Any help?


18 Replies

  • I need to check this with customer. I will rectify this and let you know.


    Thanks for all the help so far.


    Cheers! Darsham


  • Hey Nitass,

    I got the result of the given command, following is the result for the same.

    ntpq> as
    ind assID status  conf reach auth condition  last_event cnt
      1 26404  9014   yes   yes  none    reject   reachable  1
      2 26405  9014   yes   yes  none    reject   reachable  1
    ntpq> rv 26404
    assID=26404 status=9014 reach, conf, 1 event, event_reach,, srcport=123, dstadr=,
    dstport=123, leap=00, stratum=2, precision=-6, rootdelay=31.250,
    rootdispersion=10777.222, refid=, reach=377, unreach=0,
    hmode=3, pmode=4, hpoll=6, ppoll=6, flash=400 peer_dist, keyid=0, ttl=0,
    offset=-254714.454, delay=2.979, dispersion=16.512, jitter=31.733,
    reftime=d8e6dec3.e036bc54  Sun, Apr 26 2015  7:49:23.875,
    org=d8e6df43.8c3eed7b  Sun, Apr 26 2015  7:51:31.547,
    rec=d8e6e042.438701cb  Sun, Apr 26 2015  7:55:46.263,
    xmt=d8e6e042.42c3c834  Sun, Apr 26 2015  7:55:46.260,
    filtdelay=     2.98    1.91    1.95    1.96    2.92    2.77    2.92    2.48,
    filtoffset= -254714 -254713 -254704 -254690 -254688 -254684 -254668 -254663,
    filtdisp=     15.63   16.62   17.59   18.57   19.56   20.50   21.45   22.41
    ntpq> rv 26405
    assID=26405 status=9014 reach, conf, 1 event, event_reach,, srcport=123, dstadr=,
    dstport=123, leap=00, stratum=1, precision=-6, rootdelay=0.000,
    rootdispersion=10720.551, refid=LOCL, reach=377, unreach=0, hmode=3,
    pmode=4, hpoll=6, ppoll=6, flash=400 peer_dist, keyid=0, ttl=0,
    offset=-254702.557, delay=1.923, dispersion=16.489, jitter=22.221,
    reftime=d8e5f16b.43e76c8b  Sat, Apr 25 2015 14:56:43.265,
    org=d8e6df55.88000000  Sun, Apr 26 2015  7:51:49.531,
    rec=d8e6e054.3c19d01d  Sun, Apr 26 2015  7:56:04.234,
    xmt=d8e6e054.3b9bc63b  Sun, Apr 26 2015  7:56:04.232,
    filtdelay=     1.92    1.97    1.92    1.93    1.93    1.91    1.92    1.97,
    filtoffset= -254702 -254704 -254698 -254691 -254676 -254675 -254672 -254671,
    filtdisp=     15.63   16.59   17.53   18.49   19.48   20.44   21.43   22.41
  • Thanks Nitass,

    I am going through the given articles now. By the way did you observe that the given result of

    ntpq> as

    Does it indicate anything? Thanks for your help so far.

    Much appreciated.


    • nitass's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee
      dispersion is high similar to the articles.
  • Yea, also

    for both of the peers. So now as you've mentioned, I am going to update the
    tos maxdist 16
    and NTP restart to see if that is working.

    I will update the thread after confirming the fact.

    Thanks again Nitass!

  • It seems the Windows server, which is configured as an NTP server on F5 is the culprit. After updating the timeout threshold to 16 (i.e. tos maxdist 16) it has improved the Offset. Now it seems as following.

    [root@CompanyF5-3900U2:Standby:Changes Pending] config  ntpq -pn
         remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
    *       2 u    4   64    1    0.925  -30.579   0.342
    +      .LOCL.           1 u    3   64    1    0.795  -31.123   0.077
    [root@CompanyF5-3900U2:Standby:Changes Pending] config 

    However because I have restarted the NTP service, the offset is considerably low. I will keep it under observation for 2-3 days and update the thread again with latest observation.

    Thanks a ton Nitass for your extensive help mity! Much much appreciated!!

    Cheers! Darshan