Forum Discussion

Harry1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 02, 2015

Need to understand about vCMP on F5 appliance 7250/5250

Dear Team,


I want to understand vCMP. I have bigip appliance 7250 and need to configure vCMP. documents are available for viprion and blade based. is that configuration same on viprion and bigip? at my new company there are bigip appliance and 2-3 instances are configured. i have only particular instance self ip from where i can access individual instance. how can i access base host and check both vcmp guest that what resources are allowed?


appreciate a quick reply.


Regrads prak


  • Harry1's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Thanks Alex for your prompt reply on this. actually I also want to see this vcmp option in bigip webui. what should I ask my local support team(because they have all the download since I am new there) .is that bigip management ip ? or after configuring vcmp there is single management ip from where we can manage the bigip host ? because they have given me 2 ip from which I was able to open 2 different instances one is for ltm,apm and another is for gtm,ltm . vCMP was not there.




  • It looks like your team is providing you with management IPs for the guest not the host. When you provision VCMP on the box, that essentially turns it into a hypervisor running virtual instances. Each vCMP instance has it's own management IP normally on the same out of band network as the host. It's a good practice to limit access to the host to the minimum since it's only used to manage guests.


  • Harry1's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Right Alex. I will ask them to provide management ip of host not the individual vCMP guest. one more thing I want to know , if creating a vcmp the do I need LTM components in all .for example vcmp 1 is for LTM,GTM and vcmp 2 is for APM,ASM,LTM and vcmp 3 is for AFM,LTM.. is it required LTM in every instance or I can only use any one component in a vcmp without LTM. I mean LTM is not base requirement for all right?


  • Harry1's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Right Alex. I will ask them to provide management ip of host not the individual vCMP guest. one more thing I want to know , if creating a vcmp the do I need LTM components in all .for example vcmp 1 is for LTM,GTM and vcmp 2 is for APM,ASM,LTM and vcmp 3 is for AFM,LTM.. is it required LTM in every instance or I can only use any one component in a vcmp without LTM. I mean LTM is not base requirement for all right?


  • Harry1's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Right Alex. I will ask them to provide management ip of host not the individual vCMP guest. one more thing I want to know , if creating a vcmp the do I need LTM components in all .for example vcmp 1 is for LTM,GTM and vcmp 2 is for APM,ASM,LTM and vcmp 3 is for AFM,LTM.. is it required LTM in every instance or I can only use any one component in a vcmp without LTM. I mean LTM is not base requirement for all right?


  • When you provision vCMP on the host all Big-IP licensing information for you vCMP guest is handled on the host level. When you spin up an new instance, licensing information is then copied from the host to the guest. Whatever modules you are licensed for on the host would apply to the guests. GTM, APM and ASM can be provisioned as stand alone modules. LTM is not a dependency for those modules.