Forum Discussion

tolinrome_13817's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 17, 2014

Need to redirect to an external url

We want our users to be redirected to a secondary external url when they access the first url.


For example: When our users go to (which points to our F5), I want them to go to


What do I put in the iRule? Thanks!


  • You may use this irule to do so.


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::host] equals "" } { HTTP::respond 301 Location "" } }


  • You may use this irule to do so.


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::host] equals "" } { HTTP::respond 301 Location "" } }


  • Thank you for replying.


    Do I need to create a vip and redirect rule or just the vip? Does ssl client need to be enabled at all?


    Also, the first url users will access is http not https, so I dont know if that matters where you wrote:


    "equals "" - should that be changed to http?


    • Mike_G_is_1_134's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I don't think that you need to put the "https://" part into the if comparison. HTTP::host is just the host value, in your example "". As an alternative, you could also use the HTTP::redirect function instead of responding with the 301. Just a suggestion.
  • Hi, I'm trying to setup something similar but getting an issue with the vserver being up.


    I want to re-direct all 443 traffic from the vserver to an external url. 80 will just re-direct to 443. I think i'm ok with that but my virtual server is down. this is because it thinks the pool member(s) are down but there are no pool members as I just need it to re-direct to external.


    my question is how do I get around this?


    I tried to create a pool with no members and changed the Irule to show the following:


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [active_members Pool_test] == 0 }{ HTTP::redirect "" } }


    however, that still doesn't bring it up.


    any help would be great


    thanks in advance


    • StephanManthey's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP
      Hi, if you are using your virtual servers for redirection only there is no need to assign a pool. Having an iRule to redirect to the external location is just fine. Your virtual servers will remain in "blue" (unknown) state. No test for number of available servers is required. I hope I got your question right. Thanks, Stephan