Forum Discussion

JamesB12's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Nov 25, 2022

Need iRule to block the traffic for specific URL


Can somebody help on this please?


I have LTM appliance & Virtual server '' hosted.

The requirement I have is to block all the traffic destinated to one of the application '' - is this something achievable by iRule If so do you have any idea on the iRule?

Would appreciate somebody can help.

Have seen this - but that is looking too complex to me.



  • Hi James,

    The provided example in K74012450 allows you to block certain URIs for external IPs. Its probable not the right (to complex) solution if you want to block access to a given URI for all clients.

    Depending on how the "block" action should be you may use one of the iRule snippets below:

    Intercept the Request and send HTTP 403 "Access Denied" response to the User-Agent:



    Intercept the Request and send HTTP 403 "Access Denied" response to the User-Agent:
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { [string tolower "[HTTP::host][HTTP::path]"] starts_with "" } then {
    		HTTP::respond 403 content "<html><body><h1>Access Denied</h1></body><html>" "Content-Type" "text/html"



    Intercept the Request and redirect the User-Agent to a custom error page or landing URL:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	if { [string tolower "[HTTP::host][HTTP::path]"] starts_with "" } then {
    		HTTP::respond 302 "Location" "/error_page.html"



    If the block list gets more complex (e.g. more entries) you may need a different technique to filter URLs. Also keep in mind that the block list in my examples are filtering request to "*". If your web application is also accesible via lets say "" then the filtering wont work. You may need to skip checking of the HOST-Name to make the black-listing more robust...

    Cheers, Kai

    • JamesB12's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Thanks for that , Should be OK with sending 

      HTTP::respond 403

      If i need to filter specific Source IPs say from Whitelist1 Data group allow it, block rest of it for the same URL  "". How do i match the condition with the below iRule.


      when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { [string tolower "[HTTP::host][HTTP::path]"] starts_with "" } then {
      HTTP::respond 403 content "<html><body><h1>Access Denied</h1></body><html>" "Content-Type" "text/html"



      • ScottE's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP


        Sounds like the piece you are looking for is a class match for the whitelist.

        when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string tolower "[HTTP::host][HTTP::path]"] starts_with "" } then {

            if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals Whitelist1] } {
                log "TESTCE: Acceptable usage from [IP::remote_addr]"

            } else {
                HTTP::respond 403 content "<html><body><h1>Access Denied</h1></body><html>" "Content-Type" "text/html"



        You can also have a pool selection with the log statement if the traffic goes to a specific pool.  You can also just negate the "if" condition if you only want to action if the IP is not in the whitelist.


  • you could something like this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if { ([HTTP::host] eq "") and ([HTTP::path] eq "/ce") } {

    you could also, instead of  eq "/ce" do starts_with "/ce" in case you have other URI's that start with "/ce" and you want to block them

    • JamesB12's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Thanks for that. I will give it a try.

      If i need to filter specific Source IPs say from Whitelist1 Data group allow it, block rest of it for the same URL "". How do i match the condition with the below iRule.