Forum Discussion

Shay_Ben-David1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 16, 2006

need help to convert from v9 to 4.5

i recently got an old Bigip for test env, i used irule only with my 6400 on ver 9.x, now i need to migrate few irules from 9.x to 4.5, mybee someone here can know how it can be done ?


the idea of this irule is to log multiple connections based on source ip and it can do reject to the violators.



here is my irule:



when RULE_INIT {


array set ::active_clients { }


array set white_client {













set client_ip [IP::remote_addr]


if { [info exists ::active_clients($client_ip)] && ![info exist ::white_client($client_ip)] } {


if {$::active_clients($client_ip) > 30 } {




log "Reject @sitename $client_ip ($::active_clients($client_ip))"




} else {


incr ::active_clients($client_ip)




} else {


set ::active_clients($client_ip) 1








set client_ip [IP::remote_addr]


if { [info exists ::active_clients($client_ip)] && ![info exist ::white_client($client_ip)] } {


incr ::active_clients($client_ip) -1


if { $::active_clients($client_ip) <= 0 } {


unset ::active_clients($client_ip)










  • A few thoughts:



    You might be able to upgrade the unit to 9.x if meets the hardware requirements for 9.x and is under an active support contract:



    9.2.3 release notes: Click here



    Else, you might be able to piece something together but I'd suggest posting in the 4.x rules forum (Click here).



    I think you'll have some problems attempting to build this rule using 4.x functionality though, as I'm pretty sure you can't modify global classes from a rule in 4.x.



  • Is there a way to tell which hardware we have remotely? The site says to look at the sticker on the back of the serer, but the server is remote and will be difficult for us to get to.
  • On 9.x, you can use 'b platform':




    b platform | egrep 'bip|Type'



    | Type D63


    | Chassis: serial bip055073s




    On 4.x, you can look in the license file:




    egrep 'Serial|Platform ID' /config/bigip.license


    Serial : 70001


    Platform ID : D50




    I don't know of any published mapping of the platform ID's (D35, D50, D63, etc) to the platform numbers (520, 5000, 6400, etc), but you can search for the platform ID on and check which platform platform number is highlighted in the search results summary.







    You asked: d63





    We have found the following results for your query.


    AskSOL5791: SSL ciphers that are fully accelerated in hardware on BIG-IP 1500, 3400, 6400, 6800, 8400 platforms



