Forum Discussion

Peter_Baumann_5's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 10, 2017

Move or renaming objects over iControlREST?

Hi all, Is it possible over iControlREST to do a move or rename of virtual-server, pool, or node, profile objects?


I tried to use the "tmsh mv" way but this is not an option according to this:


K08689048: The TMM service may produce a core file and restart when executing the tmsh mv command


It works with nodes and vs but not with pools.


Does someone have experience to do this using iControlREST?


Thanks, Peter


  • I haven't looked it up in a while - is the 'mv' command still an early-release feature?


    Maybe you can use a transaction to load the virtual, copy all attributes into a new virtual object (except change the name), then delete the old and create the new virtuals. I'm not immediately sure of the best way to get all of the attributes from the old virtual to the new one.


    Problem with this suggestion is that you'd also have to handle dependencies if you're moving/renaming something referenced by another object. Such as renaming a pool referenced by virtuals.


  • transactions are the best path at this time. You effectively need to rollback all the dependencies on that object, delete it, re-add it with the new name, then re-associate it to the objects that referenced it.


  • experimental indeed. Just cored my box attempting a pool rename before backing out to iControl REST!