Forum Discussion

unavailable's avatar
Feb 10, 2022

Move all objects between different partition

Hi Team ,
I need to move all objects ( virtual server, node, health check etc ) from Common partition to another one.

In all objects in common partition are associated root domain.

Is there a solution that allow to move all objects to differents partitions withoth ricreate every single object ?

I tried to do it by cli, I remove from bigip.conf all information about the object that I need to move and , I paste it in the bigip.conf of the new partition.

I'm not confident if it is a good solution.

Could you help me ?

Many thanks in adv.


  • I don't think there's an easier way, I'd start preparing by 2 steps,

    1. Prepare cmd to delete the respective object from common partition.

    2. Prepare cmd to create the same object to your another partition.


    You can automate this too using script, so you move each app, one by one.

7 Replies

  • Would moving Application between different partitions like "partition X to Common" or "Common to Partition Y" or "Partition X to Partition Y cause any outage? Is there a recommended way to do it without any outages? If so, Please put exact steps or any documents related to it...Thank you

    • JRahm's avatar
      Icon for Admin rankAdmin

      that's a good question. Renaming objects doesn't create outages on existing connections, so I don't think moving to a different partition would impact that either, but for sure test that in the lab before committing in production!

      On the way to approach this, you can do that in a script and you can do that within a transaction. Transactions are atomic operations so you get validation of complete success before anything is committed. You can also submit the transactions as validate only to make sure they'll work which is helpful in testing.

      • InquisitiveMai's avatar
        Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

        Thank you for your response. Can you please elaborate more on the Transaction part? Are you saying to do this through CLI on a standby device? What is the best way to approach this for someone who has limited exposure to scripting. I would appreciate if you can point out some documents for understanding

        Also, I heard there are few issues using partitions like issue with upgrading. So I am curious to know what are the advantages of using Partitions. I saw that one use case for partitions is  we can give user access to a group of applications by putting into a certain partition. 

  • One solution would be to use the AS3 Config Converter, which will create an AS3 declaration, and then in applying that to the AS3 app within the automation toolchain (assuming you install it), will have all those objects in a new partition. Applying back to source, however, will be problematic, so you would need some intermediate steps obviously to remove from the active config what's being re-inserted in a new partition. You can install the F5 extension in visual studio code and manage all this from your desktop. Details on ACC/AS3:

    • Hi Jason,

      many thanks for your suggestion.

      I will let you know asap.

      Many thanks again,



  • I don't think there's an easier way, I'd start preparing by 2 steps,

    1. Prepare cmd to delete the respective object from common partition.

    2. Prepare cmd to create the same object to your another partition.


    You can automate this too using script, so you move each app, one by one.