Forum Discussion

Stephen_White_2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 14, 2016

Monitors: Web Service - Correct Configuration

I have a SOAP Web Service which returns "OK" when al of the components in one half of the infrastructure stack are healthy and functioning correctly.


I can test the Web Service from SOAP UI (and other sources) and it works as required. When I create a LTM Web Service Monitor and attach it to the member of a Pool List the monitor is consistently reporting the Web Service is not returning the success message ("OK").


I have searched the documentation and DevCentral for a basic example to ensure my configuration of the monitor is correct, but I cannot find one. If anyone can point to example that can assist me in determining whether or not I have configured the Monitor correctly, it would be appreciated.


  • Can you provide the HTTP Monitor that you are using (after masking out any URL information) ?

    You can test functionality of the pool member by using CURL from the F5 bash shell. Something like this:

    curl -H "Host:"

    In the above case, you are checking the pool member on port 80 (http) by requesting the resource at ";. The output will provide you information on the HTTP response provided by the pool member.