Forum Discussion

Marieme's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jul 27, 2018

Modify F5 IP Admin

Hello , i would like to know how to modify the Admin IP for an F5? Do we have any impact on service( High Availabity configuration)? How can we procceed? we may need put device offline while performing this task?


Thanks in advance for your feedback


  • Hi,


    Take a look at


    If you use the management interface for Network Failover, changing the management interface can cause a disruption of traffic because it resets the Device Trust.


    So have a good backup, good testplan and a good roll back plan. And do it in a maintenance window.


    Regards, Martijn


    • Marieme's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      thanks very much for your helpful answer!!


  • Hi,


    Take a look at


    If you use the management interface for Network Failover, changing the management interface can cause a disruption of traffic because it resets the Device Trust.


    So have a good backup, good testplan and a good roll back plan. And do it in a maintenance window.


    Regards, Martijn


  • eneR's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    So if you are not using tue out of band management for network failover like Martijn described.. you can just change it without any impacts.


    Done it multiple Times.