Forum Discussion

KB_86371's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 27, 2015

Modified /Common/system mgmt_dhcp -- What is this?


I have a GTM that is a VIPRION guest. It runs 11.5.1 HF10. I noticed something strange in the Dashboard and I was wondering if anyone has encountered it before.

Every Friday at around 7am, my GTM's throughput and connections drop by about 80%, then spike back up and continue on with a normal pattern. 2 weeks out of 4 there has been a Configuration Object Change. We haven't made any changes. The change is something I can't find any information about:

Change Details - Modified /Common/system mgmt_dhcp

instance-name     /Common/system
field_name        mgmt_dhcp
class-name        system
container         (no value)
config_source     user

No one has been complaining, and I just now noticed this. There's nothing in GLSB/Local Traffic/System logs around that time.

We have another GTM vCMP guest running the same version, which shares config changes with this GTM. They aren't an HA pair though. The other GTM has the same symptoms, but it happened only 1 out of 4 weeks this month.



  • t-roy's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    I wouldn't know why the connections would drop, but is your guest configured for automatic (DHCP) under System >> Platform : Management Port Configuration?


  • No, all our guests are configured for Manual.



