Forum Discussion

Sigkill_9__8483's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 08, 2013

Mime Type Content Detection

Is there a way in 10+ to detect a files mime type based on the files content? File extensions can be changed so that is an unreliable solution. Thanks in advance.


  • Hi,



    BIG-IP ASM can block binary executables in 11.1+ using the magic number of the file.




    Detect File Upload Contents


    ASM can now detect and block users from uploading binary executable content in a parameter’s value.


    The default for this option is ON for newly created "File Upload" parameters, and this option is OFF for upgraded and imported security policies from previous versions. To change the configuration of this option, navigate to the Parameter Properties screen, set Parameter Value Type to User-input value and Data Type to File Upload, and then enable or disable the Disallow File Upload of Executables setting.


    The User-input parameter Data Type that was called Binary (Length checks only) is renamed to File Upload.


    We added a violation, Disallowed File Upload Content Detected that is generated when the system detects a file upload of an executable. From this violation’s learning screen you can allow file uploads of executables for each parameter the system detected.



    Info on magic numbers for executable detection:





    You could potentially implement something similar in iRules but it would be complex and costly in terms of CPU/RAM resources.


