Forum Discussion

Allim_63326's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 24, 2009

LTM VIP for port range and specific ports

I have a strange request that I need do, I have to create a VIP for port range (10000-10100) and some specific ports (6427, 6813, 6837)



I know how to create a rule for port range but I am having difficulty in adding specific ports to the iRule. Here are the steps that I did



1. Create the VIP with any port (0)


2. created the iRule for port range (10000 to 10100)



when I try to add specific port to iRule it doesn't work



Any help would be highly appreciated.
  • Could you post your rule? It'll help visualize what may be going on.




  • Here is the iRule that doesn't work






    Check if requested port is outside 6427, 6813, 6837, 10000 - 10100


    if { [TCP::client_port] != 6427 or [TCP::client_port] != 6813 or [TCP::client_port] != 6837 or [TCP::client_port] < 10000 or [TCP::client_port] > 10100 }{








  • How about this?

     when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { 
        if {not ([TCP::local_port] == 6427 or [TCP::local_port] == 6813 or [TCP::local_port] == 6837 or \ 
           ([TCP::local_port] >= 10000 and [TCP::local_port] <= 10100))}{ 
