Forum Discussion

SE0305_232306's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 12, 2016

LTM Upgrade from 10.2.4 to 11.5.3

Has anyone had experience upgrading from version 10.2.4 to 11.5.3 with two 3600's running in active/standby?


I came across the following in F5 documentation -


'As of version 11.0 a check is performed to ensure a failover unicast address actually exists. In configurations using the management port for failover, the management IP and unicast failover IP must be identical for failover to function properly. They must also be identical before upgrading. Releases preceding and including 11.3.0 do not automatically modify the unicast failover IP when the management IP is changed or vice-versa. This can cause failures when loading the config after an upgrade. This is an example error: 0107146f:3: Self-device unicast source address cannot reference the non-existent Self IP (a failover IP); Create it in the /Common folder first. Before upgrading, ensure that the management IP and unicast failover IP are identical'


I'm trying to understand if I will be impacted by this and if so what do I need to change before the upgrade.


In my configuration under failover I have a peer mgmt addr configured (mgmt ip of my device) and also a unicast peer source & dest IP. The unicast addresses are just a /30 I picked in a different subnet than the mgmt IP.


Also is there anything else I should watch out for upgrading from 10.x to 11.x




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