Forum Discussion

Chris_Chaloux_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 03, 2008

LTM Maint. Page issue

All -

I am trying to set up the LTM Maintenace Page example and I'm running into an issue. I have set up the rule exactly as described in the document (

The issue I am having is that instead of the lindex html stream being returned, it is returning the location of the class file to the browser. When I invoke the rule by going after the VIP from my browser, the only display I get is:


Thats it! It seems like either a variable isnt being invoked correctly, or for some reason it is interpreting the call to the class file as a literal.

My iRule reads like this:

  when HTTP_REQUEST {  
       Service requests for files (URIs) from the maintenance page  
       Note that we always service these pages, even if the http_pool is up  
      set maint_prefix "/maintenancepage"  
      set maint_len [string length $maint_prefix]  
      set uri [HTTP::uri]  
  log local0. "redirect: [HTTP::uri]"  
  if { $uri equals ${::maint_prefix} } {  
         HTTP::respond 301 "Location" "${::maint_prefix}/"  
      if { $uri starts_with "${::maint_prefix}/" } {  
          trim off the maintenance prefix  
         set uri [string range $uri $::maint_len end]  
          Return the requested page  
  log local0. "respond: [lindex $::maint_index_html 0]"  
  switch $uri {  
           "/"              -  
           "/index.html"   { HTTP::respond 200 content [lindex $::maint_index_html 0]           "Content-Type" "text/html" }  
           "/logo.png"     { HTTP::respond 200 content [b64decode [lindex $::maint_logo_png 0]] "Content-Type" "image/png" }  
           default         { HTTP::respond 404 }  
       If the all members in the default pool are down, redirect to the maintenance page  
      if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1 } {  
        HTTP::redirect "${::maint_prefix}/index.html"  

Does anyone see whats going on? This is driving me nuts!!


  • Hi All,


    I have a new update, I successfully copy and create the irules, but my webpage show this:




    Not the maintenance page that I created,


    Please help..


  • Hi Aaron,


    I'm using LTM BIG-IP 10.0.1 Build 378.0 Hotfix HF3, now I successfully created the irules but, the html page show only:




  • Hi Aaron,


    I do b class list all


    below is the result:


    class maint_index_html_class {


    type string


    timestamp 2010-11-23 09:36:52


    filename "/var/class/maint.index.html.class"


    mode rw


    separator ":="


    partition Common


    "Maintenance page


    Sorry! This site is down for maintenance."





    class maint_logo_png_class {


    type string


    timestamp 2010-11-23 15:23:48


    filename "/var/class/maint.logo.png.class"


    mode rw


    separator ":="


    partition Common




    " "









    anything wrong in the class?



    the irules as below:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {




    Service requests for files (URIs) from the maintenance page.


    Note that we always service these pages, even if the http_pool is up.


    The maintenance prefix should be unique in the application and


    not conflict with an existing directory on the web servers.


    set maint_prefix "/maintenancepage"



    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "$maint_prefix" } {



    Strip off the $maint_prefix from the URI as you can't easily do variable expansion


    within a switch statement.


    Note that requests for the exact maintenance prefix URI will be set to a null string,


    so handle null in the first switch case.


    set uri [string map [list $maint_prefix ""] [HTTP::uri]]



    Return the requested page based on the requested URI


    switch -- $uri {


    "" {


    log local0. "Request for $maint_prefix. Redirecting to $maint_prefix/"


    HTTP::redirect "$maint_prefix/index.html"




    "/" -


    "/index.html" {


    log local0. "Request for index. Responding with content: [lindex $::maint_index_html_class 0]"


    HTTP::respond 200 content [lindex $::maint_index_html_class 0] "Content-Type" "text/html"




    "/logo.png" {


    log local0. "Request for logo.png. Responding with binary content"


    HTTP::respond 200 content [b64decode [lindex $::maint_logo_png_class 0]] "Content-Type" "image/png"




    default {


    log local0. "Unrecognized request to URI: [HTTP::uri]"


    HTTP::respond 404 content "Unrecognized request to [HTTP::uri]" "Content-Type" "text/html"











    If the all members in the default pool are down, redirect to the maintenance page



    if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1 } {


    HTTP::redirect "$maint_prefix/index.html"






  • Hi Nit,



    In 10.x, referencing the datagroup using $::datagroup_name will just return the datagroup name--not the contents. So you can change the [lindex $::datagroup_name 0] commands to:



    [class element -value 0 datagroup_name]



    Also, I'd suggest upgrading to 10.2.1 once it's released as it contains a lot of fixes and enhancements over 10.0.1.


