Forum Discussion

Christian_Thoma's avatar
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Jun 16, 2016

LTM Local Traffic policy precedence in 11.5

Hi, I have a problem using LTM Policies with a virtual server having a default pool specified and a policy to send the traffic to another pool if condition is matched. So my question is: When adding a LTM policy with its set of rules - say forward to a specific pool for a specific http-uri - to a virtual server resources , is this policy has precedence on default pool ? Or do you need to specify NONE in default poll and create 2 sets of rules for each pool you want traffic to be sent? Running BIG-IP 5050 v 11.5.1




1 Reply

  • I understand you are asking if there is a need for the rule to define default behavior. If so then, no. If rules specified in your policy meets the condition, traffic should be send over to the pool specified in the that rule. Otherwise default behavior is to send HTTP traffic to the pool associated with VS.