Forum Discussion

AndyC_128552's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2016

LTM http protocol security profile not logging requests



I am using the LTM V11.6 (build 4.0.420) and have a scenario where I need to use a HTTP protocol security profile rather than a full ASM Application Security Profile.


I have configured the HTTP security profile to alarm only as I tune it.


My problem is that when I review the violations in Security->Event Logs->Protocol->HTTP the violations are being recorded but no details of the requests are being recorded.


Documentation implies that if I click on the violation detail in the list it should pop up the request details, but no such hyperlink is present. Am I missing something in configuration here or have I got hold of the wrong end of the stick?


How should I review the violations details from the HTTP Protocol profile?


Many Thanks


  • Keep in mind that under 11.6.0 PSM is actually part of AFM, not ASM. Having said that you should be able to see violations. You will likely only be able to see details on a small subset of violations. If you aren't seeing any details at all, you should open a ticket with support.