Forum Discussion

MahendraRaj_131's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 19, 2013

LTM Clustering



I am working on DC DR solution. I was just thinking whether can we have multiple LTMs in single cluster like.. the Primary DC will have 2 x LTMs and the DR DC will have one LTM. Can I cluster all these three in one?


Your suggestion is highly appreciated.


Thanks Mahendra


  • You sure can. We do exactly that. You will need to create a sync-failover device group with all the LTMs in it. Look at the Redundant System Configuration Guide, and in particular the section on device groups.


    As with an HA pair, you need layer 2 connectivity between all the LTMs.


  • uni's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    You sure can. We do exactly that. You will need to create a sync-failover device group with all the LTMs in it. Look at the Redundant System Configuration Guide, and in particular the section on device groups.


    As with an HA pair, you need layer 2 connectivity between all the LTMs.


    • Vishal_Keswani_'s avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      can I have 4 LTMS in one Cluster and provide a Single VIP ( Virtual IP address) for a pool across all the 4 LTMS ? I have a Pair in Production and a Pair in DR DC and the VLANS are stretched across DC. Is this configuration supported ?
  • You sure can. We do exactly that. You will need to create a sync-failover device group with all the LTMs in it. Look at the Redundant System Configuration Guide, and in particular the section on device groups.


    As with an HA pair, you need layer 2 connectivity between all the LTMs.


    • Vishal_Keswani_'s avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      can I have 4 LTMS in one Cluster and provide a Single VIP ( Virtual IP address) for a pool across all the 4 LTMS ? I have a Pair in Production and a Pair in DR DC and the VLANS are stretched across DC. Is this configuration supported ?
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    You do need to be running v11 or later though. v10 and earlier were strictly 2 node HA (active/active or more usually active/standby).


  • Can you achieve the same, even if you have 2 physical devices ( LTM 3900) in your 1 Data centre and the other Data Centre has an LTM VE Edition. Or do I need all 3 to be physical devices?


  • Since the 11.4 version you can have an heterogeneous cluster.


    That means you can have different hardware and VE edition in a same cluster.


    If you're running an oldest version you can't.


  • Thank you very much.. They are currently running 11.2, So if I upgrade all 3 LTMs to 11.4. The clustering will be possible (?)