Forum Discussion

Vinne73's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
May 17, 2017

Logrotate on 13.x has an extra option, how to disable

Hi all,


I run both Bigip LTM 11.x and 13.x systems. I noticed a difference in the default logrotation. On 13.x an option "delaycompress" is used, resulting in the first archive not be compressed.


E.g for 13.X: I have a /var/log/ltm.1 file, not a /var/log/ltm.1.gz


I did some digging, it's an option configured in this file: /etc/logrotate_common.conf Sure, I can edit this file, but it says: THIS IS AN AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!!!


There are other options in that file that you can configure via tmsh, but I don't see a way to remove the delaycompress option via tmsh.


Google search gave me no info about this option.


So how do I remove the delaycompress without having to edit files I shouldn't edit.


Thank you Vincent


  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Did you check the option availability by running:

     tmsh -a help sys log-rotate


  • If anybody is interested, I found out how to fix this by updating the template on /usr. This template is then used to generate /var/run/config/logrotate_common.conf by the Big-IP.




    • Remount /usr as read-write RW: mount -o remount,rw /usr
    • Comment out "delaycompress" in /usr/share/defaults/config/templates/logrotatecommon.tmpl
    • Remount /usr as read-only: mount -o remount,ro /usr

    Now you need to make a change, via tmsh, to one of the parameters that's used e.g. log-rotate common-backlogs.


    You really need to change, not just set it to its current value.