Forum Discussion

roshan_01_13770's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 15, 2013

logger /Common/Interface_failsafe_monitor: interface 1.1 is not up (status: )

Hello F5 experts.


I have an issue with our two load balancers. I am getting this error : logger /Common/Interface_failsafe_monitor: interface 1.1 is not up (status: )


Checked the load balancer interface 1.1 is showing as up. Checked the switch port which connects the interface 1.1 it is also up.


Where can be this error comes from ?


Many thanks for your help.


  • Hi Thanks for you the reply.


    See an extraction of the logs.


    Fri Nov 8 04:35:04 CET 2013 notice LB1 logger /Common/Interface_failsafe_monitor: interface 1.1 is not up (status: )


    Fri Nov 8 04:35:09 CET 2013 notice LB1 logger /Common/Interface_failsafe_monitor: interface 1.1 is not up (status: )


    Fri Nov 8 04:35:14 CET 2013 notice LB1 logger /Common/Interface_failsafe_monitor: interface 1.1 is not up (status: )


    Fri Nov 8 04:35:19 CET 2013 notice LB1 logger /Common/Interface_failsafe_monitor: interface 1.1 is not up (status: )


    Fri Nov 8 04:35:24 CET 2013 notice LB1 logger /Common/Interface_failsafe_monitor: interface 1.1 is not up (status: )


    It is not 90 seconds it is every 5 Seconds you get this. I have to check on the traffic flow. I will come back to you with that information. Thanks.


  • Is there any traffic being seen across that interface? Failsafe will monitor traffic across an interface and, if none is seen in 90 secs, it will list the interface as down. Worth putting a dummy pool with a device on that network to allow the BIG-IP to check a known-working device periodically.