Forum Discussion

mahnsc's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 05, 2010

log local0. not logging to ltm

I'm working on an irule, which I'm having trouble with, and I added some log local0. statements to track which pool a request is getting sent to. Even though health monitors are logging to the ltm log and the irule seems to be working fine, nothing is getting logged in the ltm from the irule. Is there some setting somewhere on the ltm that prevents irules from being able to log into /var/log/ltm that I don't know about?
  • Hi Chris,



    Some thoughts in no particular order...



    Has the logging ever worked? Do you have any custom syslog configuration that might be filtering the logs either to nothing or to a different destination? Do the log messages match a default filter like "audit" that could be sent elsewhere? Are you checking the active unit's /var/log/ltm file? Are code blocks which have log statements in the rule being hit during execution of the rule?



  • mahnsc's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Hi Hoolio, thanks for taking the time to look at this.



    Answers to your queries:



    1. I don't know if this has ever worked. This is a recently built unit in a new datacenter we are migrating to. All the irules I've transferred so far work fine but none of them have any logging statements in them.

    3. I ran a bigpipe syslog list all and nothing showed up as far as a remote syslog server is concerned

    5. As a test, I created a brand new irule and all it does on an HTTP_REQUEST is to " log local0. "Received a request" " and this works so there must just be some bad placement of the logging statements in my other irule.
  • mahnsc's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Yeah, it was definitely my goof. Thanks anyway. Got it working now.