Forum Discussion

Gunasekaran_344's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 05, 2008


I'm a newbie to F5.i am trying to associate a monitor with a PoolMember with the snippet below. It doesn't throw any error, even checked by dumping the response



On verifying from GUI, the monitor is not associated for that poolMember



sub setmonitor {


my ($ip,$port,$pool,$lb);


my $soap = SOAP::Lite




->proxy("https://$lb/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi")|| die "Can't create SOAP object for $lb\n";



my $address_type ="ATYPE_UNSET";


my $ipport = { 'address' => $ip, 'port' => $port };


my $member ={ 'address_type'=>$address_type,'ipport'=>$ipport};


my $monitor_rule={'type' => 'MONITOR_RULE_TYPE_SINGLE', 'quorum' => 0, 'monitor_templates' => ['tcp']};



my $soapResponse = $soap->set_monitor_association(




SOAP::Data->name(monitor_associations=> ['{member=>{$member}, {monitor_rule =>$monitor_rule}'] ) );




print "Response", Dumper($soapResponse), "\n";


if ( $soapResponse->fault ) {


print $soapResponse->faultcode;


print $soapResponse->faultstring;


print "ERROR";








Thanks in advance




3 Replies

  • This is a common question with dynamic languages. The method for set_monitor_association is

         in String [] pool_names, 
         in LocalLB__PoolMember__MemberMonitorAssociation [] [] monitor_associations 

    You are calling it with this:

         in String [] pool_names, 
         in LocalLB__PoolMember__MemberMonitorAssociation [] monitor_associations 

    The second parameter for monitor_associations is a 2-d array so you can pass in multiple monitor_associations for each passed in pool member. You are passing in a 1-d array and the server is interpreting that as a 2-d array with the 2-nd dimension being size zero and thus a no-op is occuring. You'll want to make that monitor_associations a 2-d array.

     my $monitor_rule={'type' => 'MONITOR_RULE_TYPE_SINGLE', 'quorum' => 0, 'monitor_templates' => ['tcp']};  
     my $monitor_assoc={'member' => $member, 'monitor_rule' => $monitor_rule} 
     push monitor_assoc_array, $monitor_assoc; 
     push monitor_assoc_AofA, monitor_assoc_array; 
     my $soapResponse = $soap->set_monitor_association( 
       SOAP::Data->name(pool_names => [$pool]), 
       SOAP::Data->name(monitor_associations => [@monitor_assoc_AofA]) 

    Disclaimer, I haven't tested this so hopefully it works for you. But, you get the idea, you need to make sure that the parameter is declared as an array and then coerced into a 2-d array with brackets. I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but this has worked for me in the past.

  • Great!



    Debugging issues with the perl libraries can be tricky at times. Feel free to post again if anything else comes up.


