Forum Discussion

MikeLegaspi_139's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 13, 2013

Link Controller

Our company is in process of purchasing a couple of BigIP Link Controllers. This is my first experience with F5 products so any help is greatly appreciated. My question to those with experience, is there any configuration/implementation examples available that I use to assist me? Or anyone who could provide me any guidance?


I have 2 ISP's and I want to be able to maintain my current IP's on my perimeter firewall, with little changes if possible, and for now use the link controller for outbound traffic for clients to both ISP's. Inbound traffic will need to be deterministic to one ISP. We plan on migrating the servers inbound/outbound at a later time.


  • Hi, a quick look on the Askf5 site, there are a few guides for implementing Link Controller:


    Manual: BIG-IP Link Controller: Implementations



    Manual: Configuration Guide for BIG-IP Link Controller



    The BIG-IP Link Controller requires a unique VLAN and IP subnet for each link



    Hope this is helpful.


  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi, a quick look on the Askf5 site, there are a few guides for implementing Link Controller:


    Manual: BIG-IP Link Controller: Implementations



    Manual: Configuration Guide for BIG-IP Link Controller



    The BIG-IP Link Controller requires a unique VLAN and IP subnet for each link



    Hope this is helpful.