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Rodrigo_N_Soare's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 09, 2014

Link Controller - bigip_link from big3d time out

I'm with this problem can someone help me? "May 9 11:41:03 f5 alert gtmd [6921]: 011a2003: 1: SNMP_TRAP: Link / Common / embratel (ip = state change blue -> red (Monitor / Common / bigip_link from : no reply from big3d: timed out) "


All my self-ip station as "non-float" and "Default port lockdown"


And why can not monitor the links for Controller Link


  • i have the same problem. as i according the KB it worked now.


    i have get rid of 3 trouble.


    1, the expired certificates. so i renew a self signed cert, and sync it to /config/gtm/


    2, the wrong big3d version. i upgrade ltm+lc from 10.2.2 to 11.6, the upgrade tools just only upgrade software in /usr/sbin/ , but big3d services use the execution in /shared/bin/


    3, have legacy configuration item in gtm server section in /config/bigip_gtm.conf


    hope this information should help


  • Rodrigo, did you get this problem resolved? Seems like there could be some thread cross posting and I just wanted to confirm whether this problem is solved or not.


  • Hi,


    It was exactly this problem in gtm server IP configuration (bigip_gtm.conf) was old no longer being used.


    Many thanks for the help.


    Thanks to all


    • Rodrigo_N_Soare's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus thanks too 01Zero_Cr
  • Is the monitor target another BIG-IP appliance or some upstream router/firewall/etc?


  • Hi Cory,


    this monitor is for monitoring the contest link. And I'm using the default monitor that is big_link without any customization. What I did was create some custom monitoring LTM monitoring yes upstream with transparent following this documentation:



  • Is this monitor being run from a Link Controller? What is the target device of the monitor?