Forum Discussion

Tosin_Omojola's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Nov 24, 2014

Link aggregation with Link controller

I know link controller load-balances multiple ISP links. Is it possible to achieve combined maximum of two or more links using Link controller? I have two ISP links. I want to have the combined bandwidth of both of them as a single link i.e. (eg. Link1 30Mbps + Link2 40Mbps = 70Mbps). Can Link controller achieve that?


Please show me how. Thanks


  • Hi Jorjjj, from my experience and discovery, F5 Link Controller is not built to aggregate ISP links into one link the way you would bundle multiple interfaces to increase bandwidth. The functions of Link Controller as related to link management is limited to load balancing traffic across links and Not bundling them as the interface bundling function (though chiefly, an LTM function) requires the member interfaces to have the same link speed, and be in the same subnet ( which would not be the case for ISP links) among other qualifying parameters.


  • Jorjjj's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    hello, Have you find a way to Aggregate multiple links as 1 link?


    Some other simple solutions, like Mushroom networks claims to do it easily.


    any ideas in how to achieve that using F5 link Controller?


  • LC has only ratio to be configured under each link, it is not an aggregation, however it can do like aggregated links based in ratio.