Forum Discussion

Ian_Støttrup's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 15, 2017

Limit text-copy in SSHproxy

I have suggested to my employer, that we use SSHproxy in AFM to access network managment tools and devices, instead of the current 2xRDP via jumpstations and then SSH via SecureCRT, but the Security Officer says no on the basis that you could paste files into a text-editor on the receiving end and that way transfer files.


Is there a way to limit the amount of data that can be transferred that way? I can see that it is possible to apply an iRule, so perhaps something is possible that way?


My suggested setup is: client --vpn--> mgmt-net --> SSHproxy --> mgmt-server --> network-equipment.


  • Tikka_Nagi_1315's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    The answer to the specific question regarding limiting the amount of data using AFM SSH Proxy is no. However, it is likely possible to achieve this using a combination of other F5 modules such as ASM/APM. I would recommend you open a support case regarding this


  • I’m not sure AFM can detect copy / paste.


    I had a quick look at rfc and did not find any reference to copy / paste method. I guess when you paste text, the ssh client send the text like when hitting on keyboard!